September Tantric Numerology

Master the mystery

September is a transitional month during which we best serve ourselves by connecting with ether, the space, the subtlety.

It is a month of the ‘beyond’, beyond the limitations of our physical space, of what we can touch and see, and through to what we can sense. Mastery of the subtle realm isn’t something to be achieved through dogmatic focus and work, in fact it comes from dropping. Dropping as much of the noise, mind pollution, fuzz, that we pick up from every day life, shedding and shedding until we are in deep connection with our Ninth Body, the Subtle Body.

The Subtle Body is our vessel of complete calm and trust. It is our ability to experience life fully without being consumed or lost in it. When this body is strong, we have enough space between us and the events of our lives to see the big picture, to have the experiences our souls have chosen to have and to expand grow from them by integrating whatever lessons we need to. To be in the space of the observer. We are able to see past the top, material layer, of an experience, into what is really happening on an energetic level to and for us.

This Body holds a deep knowing that we are on exactly the right path despite not seeing the roadmap. This is the mastery. When the Ninth Body is given the driving wheel to our lives, we are in our flow. It is the voice of our true intuition. So this month, really take time to feel into situations, choices, energies, and wait and listen for that internal guidance to come. Hand in hand with the trust comes patience - there is no need to rush into decisions or actions. The right steps for us will unfold when they are meant to, and by being in the vibration of this Body we can take them with consciousness instead of simply reacting.

When there is a disconnect with this vibration, we move into the polarities of impatience, judgement, control, pressure, brutality. If you find yourself in these energies, close your eyes, slow your breath and scan your body to find where you can feel them, then visualise expanding the space in that part of you. Do not overthink it, simply connect with a sense of breathing more space into that constriction.

The end of the month welcomes the Autumn Equinox, the balance point of night and day before we move into the darker part of the year, the ‘moon season’. This is a time to reflect on and honour our personal harvest - what have we created this year? How has it served us? How can we continue to grow? How can we give back? In classes we will mark the equinox with special kriyas, but there are many rituals you can do at home. Listen to your intuition for what feels most aligned for you to do - go with your own flow. One of my favourite things to do at this time of year is a gratitude prayer - writing down the things I am most grateful for, letting the words flow from my heart rather than my mind, and then offering that gratitude to the element of fire by burning the paper.


October Kundalini Tantric Numerology


Antar Naad Mudra Full Moon Meditation