Antar Naad Mudra Full Moon Meditation
“Escape from the black cloud
that surrounds you.
Then you will see your own light
as radiant as the full moon.”
I can’t imagine that there is a person on the planet who hasn’t at least once, looked up into the sky and been touched by the energy and mystery of the moon, especially when she is full. Her beauty is undeniable and just as the moon’s gravitational pull governs the ocean’s tides, we also experience emotional waves connected to her orbit.
During a full moon, we can often feel heightened emotions - it’s almost as though something is being shaken up internally. Energetically, these are really potent periods to receive clarity, the moonlight literally and energetically illuminates what we need to see. Full moons are also a very supportive time for healing and releasing, using the clarity to see what no longer serves us and letting it go.
Within kundalini yoga we have the Antar Naad (or Kabadshe) mudra meditation which is to be practised specifically on a full moon to harness the energetic force. This celestial communication meditation opens and cleans all our chakras, it also opens up the flow of kundalini energy.
How To:
Practised to the mantra:
Sa Re Sa Sa
Sa Re Sa Sa
Sa Re Sa Sa
Sa Rung
Har Re Har Har
Har Re Har Har
Har Re Har Har
Har Rung
I recommend Nirinjan Kaur’s version to start with, but you can of course experiment and discover a recording that resonates with you.
Sitting in easy pose, with closed eyes, bring the hands into prayer mudra at the level of the navel, about 4-6 inches away from the body. Fingers point upwards.
As the mantra starts, slowly raise your prayer pose up the centre of the torso. When you come to the level of the heart, continue raising the hands but start opening your fingers out into open lotus mudra (the base of the palms continue to touch, as do the tips of the thumbs and little fingers but all other fingers are separate - see the drawing above (you can click on it for an enlarged version).
Continue raising your hands in open lotus a until you reach the level of your brow. Co-ordinate the hand movement with the mantra so that you reach the brow level at Sa Rang.
As Har Re Har Har begins, turn the fingers to point down, with the back of the hands touching in reverse prayer.
Slowly bring this mudra down the centre of the torso, down your column of chakras, in rhythm with the mantra until the fingertips reach the navel at Har Rung. Then turn them around and begin again, continue for 11 - 31 minutes.
To end: inhale deeply and retain the breath, slowly exhale through the nose.